Key Executive Appointments

16 OCTOBER 2023

RCS Strengthens Empowerment Drive with Key Executive Appointments

RCS has further strengthened its leadership team with three new appointments, fueling South Africa’s retail credit revolution.Business partners shaking hands.RCS CEO, Regan Adams, said that: “The appointments of these key positions at RCS will undoubtedly be instrumental in charting our future. With their collective competence and leadership styles, we now have a stronger and more diversified leadership team”Mariné van Brakel - RCS Deputy CEO

Mariné van Brakel - Deputy CEO

Mariné van Brakel will be supplementing her current role and responsibilities as RCS’ Chief Operating Officer, with the duties of Deputy CEO. Van Brakel, a qualified Chartered Accountant, joined RCS in 2014 as a financial consultant. She has since moved steadily up the ranks of RCS’ leadership structure, previously also fulfilling the roles of Finance Executive and Chief Financial Officer. 

Prior to joining RCS, van Brakel worked at KPMG in multiple roles and countries, as a Regional Audit Manager and Management Consulting Advisor. Her extensive experience in the world of corporate finance, as well as her background in advisory services, provide the perfect foundation for her new role and broader mandate. Tonia Pavlou - RCS CFO

Tonia Pavlou - CFO

Tonia Pavlou, formerly our Deputy CFO, succeeds Balraj Dev as RCS’ new CFO.

Pavlou rejoined RCS in January 2022 after her appointment as Head of Credit at Sygnia Asset Management, as well as her time working in Specialised Finance at Investec.

She is an accomplished Chartered Accountant whose career has spanned a range of specialities within the financial services industry in both South Africa and Australia, including RCS, where she previously held the position of the Head of ALM and Treasury.Myles Coelho - RCS CRO

Myles Coelho - CRO

The third new appointment will see Myles Coelho succeeding Samir Ghrib as RCS’ Chief Risk Officer. Coelho rejoined RCS in April 2023 after working as Partner and Director at KPMG. Prior to KPMG, Coelho had worked for RCS, overseeing several key business areas and projects. 

He brings a breadth of experience to his new role, having travelled extensively working across various financial services disciplines.

As Adams concludes: “With these promotions, we're not only charting a path forward, we're forging a new era for our business. Together, we will navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, continuing to create opportunities for our employees, empowering our customers and propelling RCS toward even greater success."